The SriLanka T&T is managed by MMSVision (MultiMedia SoluVision).

The Website is designed in such a way that it is user friendly and is updated with all the latest statistics regarding the country. SriLanka T&T brings Sri Lanka and its famous places for sightseeing right to the tip of your fingers not only you will be very familiar with the country even before you visit it but you will be able to plan your itinerary in advance using the resources provided by the website itself. The website gives all the latest pictures and data about places and in the meantime provides helpful hints as to how to spend quality time in Sri Lanka.

MMSVision is a multimedia company at first dedicated to web developing. But now it is also dedicated in bringing Sri Lanka forward to the world and to encourage people from different walks of life to visit the beautiful country.


To be the best website that provides factual and reliable data about Travel in Sri Lanka.


To bring the best and reliable facts about Sri Lanka and Travel right to your finger tips.