A lot of effort has been put in to ensure all the information provided in this website is upto date. Some details, however, such as telephone numbers, opening hours, travel information and website addresses will change from time to time.

Sri Lanka Travel and Tourism will not be responsible for any correspondence and business dealings with any third parties, including merchants or advertisers found on or through the website.

Any personal details obtained by the website will not be reproduced under any circumstances.

The comments that most users leave are soley their own information and we cannot claim responsibility to any information they give out in our site.

Some information such as those of the news page that is in the website are taken from other sources and if any information deems to be wrong the website wont be responsible.

If the information in external links provided by the website isn’t accurate, the administrators will not be responsible. Also any consequences arising when utilising information provided by the third party website, Sri Lanka Travel and Tourism will not be claiming responsibility.

The administrators have pain stakingly made sure that all the information provided by its members , etc is accurate however 100% accuracy can never be guaranteed.